Comic Series

I realized that I was really overthinking the launch of my new comic Falling Star so I decided to do a soft launch of just the cover and updating 1 page a week until I can get into the rhythm of updating regularly. I really want to make this comic a reality so it will be slow at the start but if I don’t just DO IT I will keep putting it off. Thank you all for your patience and I hope you like it!

Happy Pride! I was able to finish and upload the Taiki Epilogue before June finished! haha Next up is getting Falling Star started. It’s been a long process to get it started because I have really been struggling the past few years but I am determined to get it going! I decided to do a Taiki Epilogue first so I could get back into the swing of drawing comics and now I am hyped to get started on Falling Star. Thank you for your patience if you have been waiting for it!

Hello everyone!

Last year I logged into my webhost to start remaking my Taiki website and found out that WordPress is now a subscription service. My webcomic websites used to be free to make while I only had to pay for the hosting. Now I have to pay for both the hosting and WordPress to build my comic sites! I’ve been really stressed about this because I don’t want to have to pay this subscription for EACH of my comics. (It’s $25 a month PER comic) I could no longer update either the Taiki or CMYK websites! (I can’t update Taiki because the program I used to build the site no longer exists) The only way around this is if I built my own site by scratch and did everything myself. Which is what I did for Taiki but used WordPress for CMYK. It was sooo much easier and less time consuming to work on my CMYK site so I do still want to use WordPress.

The solution I have come up with is finding a WordPress theme that will let me host all of my comics on 1 website (Toocheke is the only one I’ve found) so that I only have to pay for the subscription once. This isn’t ideal for me but it’s the best financially for now. Also I need to change webhosts because my current one is trying to charge me outrageous prices now. I have been doing lots of research on this and have decided on a new one that is much more reasonable and will be going ahead with the transfer. With this my original Taiki site will be deleted which makes me sad to think about but I’m trying to look ahead to bigger and better things! The Toocheke theme for WordPress is more mobile friendly so going forward I want my new comic Falling Star to be easier for people to access and read. Plus having all of my comics on 1 website might be better for anyone who wants to read all of my work. I just hope it’s not too confusing with the branding but we shall see.